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Holiday Picnic

Holiday Picnic
Product Code:
christmas 860999

$ 166.30

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Holiday Picnic:

Chips Ahoy Choco Chewy Cookies 145g
Del Monte Spaghetti 1kg
Clara Ole Pasta Sauce Three Cheese 1kg
Sunland Orange Juice 1 liter
Del Monte Fruit Cocktail 850g
Sun-Maid Raisins 250g
Spam 340g (2pcs)
Prime Lite 50% Less Fat 340g
Nestle Thick Cream 300g
Hereford Cooked Ham 454g
Alaska Condensed Filled Milk 390g
TitaEly de Coco 340g
Tita Ely Kaong 340g
Chef's Choice Mushroom Pieces & Stems 330g



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